Hi, I'm Rachel Schipull and I'm a
full stack software engineer.

Even though at first glance, I might appear to be a farmer masquerading as a web developer, I have over 8 years of experience building websites, writing copy, and editing media.

I'm proficient in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and have happily been building full stack web applications in JavaScript for 3 years. I've also dabbled in MySQL, Python, Ruby on Rails, and a whole host of other related technologies. I pick things up quickly and I love a challenge.

Check out my portfolio sites to see what I've been working on, although for my most recent WIPs, it's best to check my GitHub (https://github.com/rachelschipull). I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions for collaboration. Hit the contact button or fill out the form at the bottom to get in touch.

 Head shot of Rachel Schipull wearing glasses and a plaid shirt
Photo credit: Allie Mullin Photography

Web Development

I've been in this game for a while! In 2015, my partner and I launched an online business consulting service. In addition to building websites for clients, I also designed branding packages, email marketing and social media campaigns, and helped improve their Google Analytics and SEO. I excel at strategy, collaborating with designers, and user experience. Trust me, I've been on ALL sides of the table.

Full Stack Engineering

Since 2020, I've learned I love working remotely, so I decided to take the plunge into full time work in tech. I learned the languages and technologies I needed to build full stack applications. I've built APIs from scratch, designed with a variety of frontend frameworks (Angular? Vue? React? You choose!), and become quite skilled at constructing and managing Node.js backends. Now I'm learning everything I can about web accessibility because I believe everyone should be able to easily use and enjoy the software we build.

Everything else

Outside of software engineering, I have a pretty full CV as well. I've lead teams as big as eight and project managed events for Fortune 500 companies. I've worked in education, sustainability, nonprofits, communications, marketing, and tech. I love to write, create content, stream on Twitch, learn in public, and read books. I've helped clients launch podcasts, video courses, and write whole curricula. I don't have any secret talents persay, but I am very good at growing vegetables.

Portfolio - Code

Thumbnail from linktree clone, headshot and title at the top, followed by green horizontal lines representing links

Schips Links

What's better than having a Linktree for all your important links? Building your own custom Linktree clone with React and Next.js. I took inspiration from a few different sources and created this micro-portfolio to share on social profiles and with friends. Inspired the Cyclinks demo I wrote while at Cyclic Software.

Thumbnail of the frontpage of the Techpaths website, purple, pink, and black graphics


This full stack application is a beautiful and fun way for individuals in the tech industry to visualize and track their path through their career. A companion site to Career Motivation, it allows career changers to mark the moment they start their career in tech and all the subsequent events along the way. Users can share a public link to their path and make milestones public or private.

Thumbnail from the career motivation website, graphic of people standing around a printer

Career Motivation

Inspired by career changers in the 100Devs cohort, this site features a crowd-sourced, anonymous table of self-reported changes in salary when starting a first tech job. A second page of the site includes user stories. Great inspiration and very cool data!

River walk by the Eno, thumbnail from portfolio website

Luke Hirst Therapy

Luke is a local therapist serving the LGBTQA+ community. Luke's website is designed with custom styles using the Squarespace CMS. Luke needed an easily editable site and accessible design. I set up the site for them and gave them instructions on how to use it going forward.

Thumbnail from music rating site, images of spotify embeds and music notes


Led a team of six to develop this music rating app, which stores a user's profile, as well as their liked and disliked songs. The Spotify embed allows users to play previews of their songs in the app. I added a song list sorting function, project managed, and deployed the final project to Heroku.

Queer to Stay thumbnail, image of asian person dancing in front of rainbow tinsel curtain

Queer To Stay

A hair salon and community space for the gays and theys. Queer to Stay keeps everyone looking fresh and turns up on the weekend. No one is turned away. The salon wanted a custom site with bright colors and welcoming vision. I think we delivered.

Portfolio - Writing

Image of person in goldenrod sweater typing on a laptop, only their chest, arms, and hands are visible

Technical Writing

A short list of links of documentation I wrote for Cyclic Software, as well as other technical writing.

A cup of coffee, notebook, and pen sit together on a small wooden desk, seen from above, the grey and white pattern of the tile below is also visible.

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