Hi, I'm Rachel Schipull and I'm a
business and technology consultant.

With 10+ years of experience in program management, I excel in building online communities, developing business solutions, and leading digital content strategies.

My past clients have benefitted from my input on technology choice, implementation, and integration. I assist with installation, documentation, and training. I pick up new software quickly and I love a challenge.

I'm also proficient in the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and have experience building full stack applications in Javascript, as well as working on production software teams. Check out my portfolio sites to see my past work. Interested in working together? Hit the contact button or fill out the form at the bottom to get in touch.

 Head shot of Rachel Schipull wearing glasses and a plaid shirt
Photo credit: Allie Mullin Photography

Business Consulting

I've been in this game for a while! I started my career in admissions for a graduate program which gave me a great foundation in sales, marketing, business analytics, and customer service. In 2015, my partner and I launched an online business consulting service. I designed branding packages, email marketing and social media campaigns, and helped improve their Google Analytics and SEO. I excel at strategy, collaborating with designers, and user experience. Trust me, I've been on ALL sides of the table.

Technology Solutions

Since 2020, I've learned I love working remotely, so I decided to take the plunge into full time work in tech. I learned the programming languages and technologies I needed to build full stack applications. I've built APIs from scratch, designed with a variety of frontend libraries, and become quite skilled at constructing and managing Node.js backends. Now I'm learning everything I can about web accessibility because I believe everyone should be able to easily use and enjoy the software we build. Not everyone needs a website though, and sometimes the answer is an integration, updating a current software to a new version, or sunseting and transition from one platform to another. My ability to anticipate issues and organize teams around technology transitions make me a helpful addition to any project.

Everything Else

Outside of technology, I have a pretty full CV as well. I've lead teams as big as eight, project-managed events for Fortune 500 companies, and grown program engagement by 200% from year to another. I've worked in higher education, sustainability management, nonprofit management, communications, marketing strategy, and even joined a seed stage startup! I love to write, create content, stream on Twitch, learn in public, and read a wide range of books (over 100 in 2023). I've helped clients launch podcasts, video courses, and write whole curricula. I don't have any secret talents persay, but I am very good at growing vegetables.

Portfolio - Code

River walk by the Eno, thumbnail from portfolio website

Luke Hirst Therapy

Luke is a local therapist serving the LGBTQA+ community. Luke's website is designed with custom styles using the Squarespace CMS. Luke needed an easily editable site and accessible design. I set up the site for them and gave them instructions on how to use it going forward.

Thumbnail of Morse Code website, text about decoding morse code and teal background

Morse Code Test

When your dad is obsessed with morse code, sometimes the best birthday present is to build him an app to test himself on it. What? Just me? This app allows the user to audibly play up to 15 random characters of morse code. Users can check their answers at the bottom.

Queer to Stay thumbnail, image of asian person dancing in front of rainbow tinsel curtain

Queer To Stay

A hair salon and community space for the gays and theys. Queer to Stay keeps everyone looking fresh and turns up on the weekend. No one is turned away. The salon wanted a custom site with bright colors and welcoming vision. I think we delivered.

Portfolio - Writing

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